His Girl (Part 2/?)

Genre: Angst?? Fluff??

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Word count: 2036

Summary: When Namjoon and the rest of the boys befriend you, a foreign English teacher, Yoongi remains closed off. Will his cold exterior melt away? Or will he always see you as an outsider?


this point you had known the boys for about seven months. They had just
finished rehearsals for the night, and though they should have been exhausted,
Hobi, Jimin, and Namjoon were trying to convince everyone else to go out for

was a dreary night, and rain had started to fall lightly. The sound against
your window pane, and the smell of your ocean-scented candles were making you
sleepy and you felt your eyes drifting shut when you heard your phone buzz.

you slowly rolled off the couch and lumbered over to where your phone was in
the kitchen. It was a text from Namjoon, “Going out drinking? You up for it?”
There was a little beer emoji inserted at the end of the message.

started typing back to tell him that you were already half asleep and would sit
out this round when the doorbell rang. You frowned, who the hell would be here
at this hour? You checked through the peephole, and there was Hobi, smiling at
you from the other side.

swung the door open to see that Jin was also standing to the side. “What are
you doing here?” You asked them, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

got Joon’s text right? Get ready, we’re going out. The others are meeting us
there!” Jin said excitedly, moving past you into the apartment. He plopped
himself down on the couch and blew out your candles. “Come on, move that little
butt of yours! I want to get there before it’s crazy packed.”

sighed, there was no way you were getting out of this one. Especially not with
these two here. So, unwillingly, you dragged yourself to your room, changed
into an acceptable clubbing outfit, and put on your makeup. You took your hair
out of the bun on top of your head where it had resided for the past three days
in a row. Huffing, you stomped out of the bathroom to the living room.

it! I can’t go out! My hair looks like a lion’s mane!” You exclaimed, throwing
your hands into the air in defeat. Your hair was fairly curly, and the curls
never liked to behave.

laughed and Jin just smirked at you, they had grown used to you ranting about
the state of your hair, “I think it looks cute. You definitely won’t look like
the rest of the girls there.” Jin pointed out.

that because of my hair or because of the fact that I’m whiter than Snow
White?” you asked with a laugh. You decided to trust Jin and leave your hair
how it was. He was never one to lie to you to make you feel better. You grabbed
your bag and you all headed out the door.

you had gone out drinking with the boys plenty of times. Yoongi was the only
member who never went crazy when drinking, but he almost never joined you guys
on your nights out, preferring to spend the time working on his music. And so,
you were usually the designated mother. And more often than not, you ended up
having to herd the others together and make sure they didn’t do anything
stupid. It wasn’t that you had a high tolerance for alcohol, you just knew not
to test your limits and rarely went past the point of tipsy.

night happened to be different. The first thing you noticed that was unusual
was that Yoongi had come along. Before you had arrived he had been complaining
to the rest of the guys that he had no desire to be out. “Why do I have to come
along?” He asked for the tenth time that night.

sighed and pushed his shoulder, “We’ve told you this how many times? Y/N always
ends up watching us, we want her to be able to actually party, and so we
brought you along! Our responsible grandfather.”

huffed and rolled his head to the side, “If you think I’m babysitting her, you
are sadly mistaken.” Yoongi warned, giving Joon the death glare.

here!” Tae called out just then, pointing at you, Hobi and Jin all pushing your
way through the crowd.

let out a low whistle, “Okay, is it just me or does Y/N look really good
tonight?” This earned him a sharp slap from Joon, who never let the other
members flirt with you.

“There you are!” Namjoon yelled over the
music, pulling you into a hug once you reached him. “You look good.” He told
you, patting the top of your head. You swatted his hand away and scrunched up your

turned to Yoongi who was leaning against the bar, looking around the club
lazily, “How’d they drag you out of the house?” He just shrugged and told you that
he had nothing better to do.

was already annoyed that he had to come just so you could drink, but he wasn’t
going to stoop as low as telling you that was the reason and making you feel
guilty. He knew you hadn’t wanted to go out either.

made plans to meet up at the exact spot you were in at two, and then everyone
dispersed around the club.

weren’t planning on drinking much, but something just felt…well, different, as
I previously stated. The club’s atmosphere was so overwhelming, the lights were
pulsing and the music was blasting so loudly it felt as though it were vibrating
throughout you. “Can I buy you a drink?” You heard someone call out beside you.
You turned your head to see a very attractive man standing there smiling at you.

looked back at the dance floor where the majority of the guys were already
dancing with some girls, and then across the bar where Joon and Yoongi were flirting
with another few girls. You turned back to the stranger and smiled. Fuck it,
you thought to yourself, and downed the drink he handed you.

did you know, both Namjoon and Yoongi were keeping a close eye on you. They had
stayed by the bar, not because they were too lazy to go dance (well, that was
one reason), but because they figured they could keep an eye on you from that
point. Joon knew how you got once you passed your limit, and though Yoongi
could care less, he knew Joon would murder him if he let anything happen to

though they were trying to keep an eye on you, within a few minutes you were
lost within the crowd. Namjoon jumped forward but Yoongi held him back, “Ah,
she’s fine Joon. If we don’t see her within the hour I’ll help you find her

hour passed and Namjoon realized he hadn’t seen so much as a glimpse of you. He
found Jungkook in the crowd of people and yelled at him over the blaring music,
“Have you seen Y/N?”

paused to think and then shook his head, “Not for a while,” he yelled back, “I
saw her about an hour ago with some guy but I lost sight of her on the dance
floor.” Namjoon swore and took off again.

on when the boys asked you what had happened to you in that time you went
missing, you wouldn’t have been able to tell them. You had consumed so much
alcohol within the first thirty minutes of being there that you were a complete
wreck. You had spent the last hour stumbling around the club, convincing guys
to buy you drinks, and grinding up against other random guys on the dance
floor. Every so often you would turn around and push the guy you were dancing
with away from you in disgust and declare that, “I DON’T NEED NO MAN TO DANCE
this in English so many people had no clue what you were screaming about.

you had made your way to the bathroom, well…almost to the bathroom. You made it
to the door to the bathroom where you slid down the wall and laid down right

right there was where Namjoon finally found you. He swore softly, but couldn’t
help but laugh at the sight of you. You were barely awake, your eyes fluttering
shut as you struggled to stay conscious. He knelt down beside you and brushed
the hair from your face. “Y/N.” He called out to you, nudging you lightly.

head shot up and you smiled like an idiot when you saw him. “Oh Joonie! Hello
Joonie. I missed you! Where’d you go?”

laughed and patted your head affectionately. He helped you stand up slowly and
then began to escort you out of the club.

are we going?” You yelled, much louder than necessary. Namjoon didn’t answer,
he just laughed at you again.

outside he sent you down against the building and called someone. You couldn’t
remember the conversation he had, but next thing you knew Yoongi was standing
over you. “Come on. Let’s go.” He said calmly, holding out a hand to help you

we going? Where’d Joonie go?” you said cheerfully, and Yoongi shook his head at
how drunk you sounded.

taking you back to our place because you’re a fucking mess and the rest of the
guys are worried you’ll end up killing yourself.” He explained.

swatted his hand away and attempted to stand up on your own, “I’m not a mess
what are you talking about?” You got about half way up and then fell forward
onto your hands and knees. “Aw shit!” you yelled once you saw that your knee
was bleeding from hitting a rock.

let out an annoyed sigh, how had he gotten dragged into dealing with you? He
forcefully dragged you to your feet. “How about you try to keep yourself
together? I don’t exactly feel like babysitting you. Got it?” He hailed a cab
and opened the door for you.

stumbled into the vehicle, falling onto the seat but managing to pull yourself
upright and turn to glare at him. “Wow, someone’s a grumpy gills.” you said.

said it in English though, Yoongi just stopped and stared at you. What the hell
did she just say? He wondered to himself, but decided to ignore it and just hop
into the taxi.

“Why are you taking me back? Why isn’t Joon?”
You asked, annoyed that you were stuck alone with Yoongi of all people.

just rolled his eyes and turned to face the window. “Because I’m the only one
remotely sober and none of them wanted to leave yet. Believe me, I’m not doing
this to help you out. I just wanted to get out of there.”

glared at him, “Okay no offense. But you’re kind of a jerk.” You said bluntly,
the alcohol controlling your words.

got Yoongi’s attention, you had never spoken to him like this before and he
turned to face you, but there was no emotion on his face. “Oh yeah?” He said,
as though he were mocking you. Which he was, he wanted to see what else you
would tell him while you were in this state.

You are. I don’t know what I did to make you dislike me so much, but I don’t
think whatever it was is reason enough for you to be such a jackass.”

looked at you as though he was studying you. He was surprised that you were
speaking to him in this tone, but figured it was just the alcohol’s doing.
After a brief pause he turned back to the window, “I don’t dislike you. I just
don’t trust you. There’s a difference.”

bluntness of his words shocked you and you looked down at your hands, suddenly
feeling very small. “Well. That’s fine. I trust you. The boys all trust you, so
I trust you.”

let out a short laugh, “I don’t believe you, that’s just you trying to get me
to like you.” How could you trust him without ever really talking to him
before, he thought to himself. No one trusted that easily.

said slowly, trying to think of a way to convince him. “Here, I’ll tell you
what I’d only tell people I trust! Ok? Sound good?”

course, sober you would never have told Yoongi so many personal things about
yourself, but drunk you thought it was the best idea since sliced bread. Why
not share your entire life story to someone who had never so much as smiled in
your direction?

Yoongi could get a word in to stop you, you went off on a tangent. Though it
wasn’t exactly what Yoongi would deem “personal information.” You were just
listing off random facts about yourself, from your favorite color, to what
movies made you cry.

laughed at you and you stopped talking mid-sentence. You smiled at him and
poked his cheek, much to his surprise. “You have a very nice laugh.” You

frowned and pushed your shoulder, “That’s the alcohol talking. Now come on, I
don’t think you telling me that you cry when you watch Harry Potter counts as
you trusting me.” He joked.

sat there in silence for a moment, looking out the window of the cab as you
drove through Seoul. “Well…okay, I have another one.” You turned to face him
and your expression was so serious it peaked Yoongi’s interest as to what you
were going to tell him.

I don’t trust guys.” You said simply.

tilted his head in confusion, “Y/N, you just said you trust me and the rest of
the guys. Fucking hell you’re drunker than I thought.” He turned back towards
the window.

weren’t finished though. You tucked your knees into your chest and continued
staring out the window. “No I mean…I trust you guys, because you guys are just
friends. I don’t trust guys when it comes to dating. They become distant and
they lie and they cheat, even though they tell you that they love you, it’s
just a lie.”

tilted his head ever so slightly so he could see you out of the corner of his
eyes. He suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable with this situation. He knew he
shouldn’t be hearing this. He hadn’t earned the right to hear this.

last boyfriend was a great liar. He had me convinced for two years that we were
meant to be together. I would have married him to be completely honest. I was
so in love. But he didn’t think I was good enough. He had to have another girl
on the side so he could be happy in our relationship.” You were whispering at
this point, and you laughed softly.

sound tore at Yoongi’s heart. He didn’t know what feeling was rushing over him
in that moment but it wasn’t something he had felt towards you before that was
for sure. He wanted to hug you and tell you it was okay, but at the same time
he wanted to find the guy who hurt you and rip him to shreds. Suddenly he
understood why the rest of the members felt so protective over you.

as he was about to answer, the taxi pulled up to their building. You swung open
the door and fell out of the taxi, laughing once you hit the ground. Your mood
had done a complete 180 within seconds, but Yoongi still couldn’t shake the
feeling off.

managed to get back on your feet and Yoongi helped you make it to their dorm.
Once inside, you ordered Yoongi to make you food and declared that you were
going to go wash your face. How you managed to remember to wash your face when
you were that drunk baffled Yoongi. “Don’t drown in the sink!” he yelled after

fifteen minutes had passed and Yoongi noted that you had yet to return from the
washroom. He went to go knock on the door to see if you were still alive but
the door was open and the washroom was empty. “Y/N?” He called out, a small
feeling of panic resting in his chest. He ran through the house but came
screeching to a stop when he saw the door to Tae’s and Jimin’s room wide open.

he found you, sprawled out Tae’s bed. He knelt beside the bed and smiled at
you. The smile came out of nowhere, and Yoongi shook it off. Why the hell was
he smiling at you sleeping? That was just weird.

pushed your arm lightly, but when you didn’t move he took it up a notch and
just rolled you off the bed.

You exclaimed, rubbing your butt, “Asshole.”

smirked, “That’s me! I made you food, Idiot, you should come and eat it. Or at
least wash the dried blood off your knee.” He pointed at your leg and you
looked down, having completely forgotten about your little mishap outside the

groaned and collapsed onto the floor. “I don’t want to move, I don’t feel
good.” You whined.

sighed and left the room, only to come back a few minutes later with some cup
noodles, a washcloth, and a band aid. He handed you the cup noodles and forced
you to sit up. “Now eat your food and let me fix your knee so I can go to sleep

both sat in silence (except for the slurping noises of you eating) for the next
few minutes as Yoongi gently cleaned all the blood from your knee.

he was finished, and you had finished your noodles, he gathered everything up
as you climbed back onto the bed. He asked why you had decided on taking over
Tae’s bed, which you explained that his bed was the comfiest you had laid on so
far. And also Tae wouldn’t get mad that you took over his bed.

were asleep within seconds of your head hitting the pillow and Yoongi just
chuckled. I guess she isn’t that bad, he thought to himself as he snuck out of
the room quietly, cleaned up and went to bed. He wondered if you would remember
any of this in the morning.