His Girl (Part 1/?)

Genre: Angst?? Fluff??

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Word count: 2036

Summary: When Namjoon and the rest of the boys befriend you, a foreign English teacher, Yoongi remains closed off. Will his cold exterior melt away? Or will he always see you as an outsider?

never expected things to end up the way they did. Of course, does anyone ever?
Don’t we all set up this perfect scenario in our minds of what we assume will
happen in the end; but it rarely ever works out that way. It’s not usually a
bad thing that our futures don’t work out the way we wanted them to,
considering humans more often than not have no clue what they really need.


started off, with the most cliché beginning in the books. You bumped into him
in a coffee shop. And no, not him. That’s
just way too easy, and life is never that easy.

had just bought your coffee, what was it? Your third one of the day? Ah you had
lost count. Anyways, not important. You had just purchased your coffee and had
just walked out the door and turned to head to work when…Yup, you guessed it,
ran straight into someone, spilling your coffee onto the ground.

crap, I’m so sorry!” The stranger exclaimed, holding your arm to stop you from
toppling over. “Are you alri-“, they stopped when they took in your appearance,
as many people do. You were very obviously a foreigner. “Oh,
sorry, English?” They asked, switching from Korean to English effortlessly.

finally looked up from wiping the coffee off yourself and froze. You were sure
your eyes widened because the ‘stranger’ gave you a funny look. “Are you
alright?” They repeated in English again.

snapped yourself out of your trance and stuttered, “I’m…I’m fine. And Korean is
fine.” You stared at the stranger for a second longer than was deemed normal,
“I’m sorry just…you’re Kim Namjoon.” Wow, you thought to yourself. Way to point
out the obvious. I’m sure he knows who he is.

laughed, “Ah, we don’t meet that many foreign fans in Korea. I’m sorry about
your coffee. Can I go get you another one?” He asked politely.

no, that’s fine, it’s my fault for not looking anyways.”

just shook his head, “Ok, I know I asked if I could get you one, but I’m going
to either way. What’s your order?” He asked, smiling at you as if that would
win you over.

frowned, but finally gave in. I mean honestly, a member of BTS offering to buy
you coffee? That shit only happens in fanfictions, how could you say no? You
told him you took your coffee black and he went inside to order.

after he walked out with your coffee in one hand and a bag of iced drinks in
the other. “Bringing some drinks over to the other Bulletproof Boy Scouts?” You
asked, moving your head side to side as you said Bulletproof Boy Scouts.

laughed and looked at you as if you were crazy. “Good guess. We were just
practicing. I figured I’d grab us all some caffeine.” He hesitated for a moment
as if he were in deep thought. “Would you like to come and meet them?” He
asked, as if it was no big deal being asked to hang out with BT-fucking-S.

coughed out your coffee and started shaking your head vigorously, “Oh no no,
that’s fine! I don’t want to bother you guys on your break. Besides, I have to
get to work.”

Namjoon sounded surprised, “Sorry, I guess I just assumed you were a tourist or

smiled softly and shook your head, “Yeah I get that a lot. No, I’m actually
here teaching English.” You explained.

That’s awesome!” He exclaimed. Yeah, like teaching English to a bunch of small
children barely older than fetuses was more awesome than being in a famous
Korean boy group. But Namjoon honestly did think it was cool, having taught
himself English, he knew how difficult it was to learn, and he instantly
respected you for spending your time teaching others how to speak the language.

it’s alright.” You checked your watch and saw that you were running late,
“Shit. I need to get going. Thank you so much for the coffee and it was so nice
to meet you, I’m a big fan.” You bowed your head slightly and ran off before he
could get another word in.

watched as you ran off and shook his head laughing. He made a mental note to
remember your face, hoping he would get the chance to see you again. There was
something special about you he just couldn’t put his finger on quite yet.

was the end of the first encounter. The second one occurred about three weeks
afterwards. And yes, it’s just as cliché as the first one.


had just ended and it had been a beautiful day out when you had arrived that
morning. However, when you walked out of the school you taught at, it was a
downpour. Shit, you thought to yourself; though you loved the rain, you were not
looking forward to walking home in that.

figured you could run to your regular coffee shop which was only a few blocks
away and wait it out there, maybe the rain would pass. You had some things to
work on anyways, might as well do it there.

held your bag tightly against your chest and sprinted out into the rain. You ran
until you reached the coffee shop where you flung the door open, stepped inside
and leaned against the glass door, panting like a dog who’d been out in the sun
for too long.

owner of the coffee shop, who seemed to have grown quite fond of you since you
had started stopping by when you first arrived two months ago, saw you and ran
into their back room. They re-emerged a moment later with a towel; you could
tell she was scolding you from the tone of her voice but she was speaking so
quickly in Korean that you had trouble keeping up.

owner was a small, middle-aged woman, who ran the shop with her husband. You
were fairly certain they had children who had left home already because they
treated you as though you were their child.

draped the towel over your head and rubbed it, trying to dry off your hair a
bit. “Why didn’t you get a taxi?” She questioned, shaking her finger at you.

little rain never hurt anyone.” you told her, trying to not laugh.

just shook her head at you again, “Go sit down, I’ll bring you your coffee.”

took your regular seat by the window so you could watch people passing by. The
coffee shop was almost completely empty today except for a young couple in the
far back corner making googly eyes at each other and holding hands over the
table. You scrunched your nose in disgust, you were not the biggest fan of PDA.

owner was just walking over with your coffee when a taxi pulled up in front of
the shop. You saw it out of the corner of your eye but didn’t pay it much attention.

thanked her for the coffee and started pulling your things out of your bag. You
had to make sure you were set for tomorrow’s class, and then you were planning
on working on your Korean.

had just set your planner down and were going to grab out a pen when you saw
someone walk up to you out of the corner of your eye. Quickly you glanced to
the side and froze at what you saw.

was Namjoon once again. “Look who it is. My favorite English teacher.” He said
with a laugh, smiling widely at you. He had been happily surprised when he had
walked in and saw you sitting in the shop. To be honest, he had been visiting
this particular shop more often lately in hopes of seeing you again.

This time, he wasn’t alone though. He looked
back and you followed his gaze. There, standing by the counter was Jung Hoseok.

gestured for Hoseok to join you, and once he had paid he walked over to the two
of you, where you had yet to utter a word.

remember a couple weeks ago when I said I literally ran into a girl at this
coffee place and she happened to be a fan of ours?” Namjoon asked.

smiled at Namjoon and then glanced at you, “Yeah, is this the famous English
teacher you were talking about?”

one and only.” you said, finally speaking up.

seemed to finally notice your rather wet disposition. “Get caught in the rain
did you?”

looked down at yourself, as if it were news to you that you were dripping wet.
“Oh this? No actually this is just my everyday look. I like to get ready to go
to work and then hop into the shower, clothes and all right before I leave.
It’s the newest trend.”

laughed, his laugh was a beautiful sound. He had already started to like you.
Namjoon had been right, you were just too cute. “Ah, you’re funny. Mind if we
join you?” He asked, already pulling up a chair to your table. Namjoon did the
same, and soon your comfy little spot was overtaken.

are you working on?” Hoseok asked, trying to read your planner upside down.

planning out my lesson for tomorrow.” You explained, showing him the notebook.
“I was going to work on it at home, but this place is closer to my school so I
figured I’d wait out the rain here.”

started flipping through the pages after realizing you were writing in English
and he couldn’t read a word it said. He flipped to the front page and tried
reading it aloud. “Property of…Y/N.” He said slowly, then looked up at you for

nodded your head smiling, “Perfect.” You then explained what it meant in Korean
to him.

your name is Y/N.” Namjoon stated, testing out the name.

nudged Namjoon, “I like this girl. We should introduce her to the other boys.”
He suggested.

eyes widened and you started to protest.

Namjoon pointed at you, “She doesn’t want to meet the others!”

protested again, “No, that’s not it. I just don’t want to intrude. You’re very
busy people, you don’t want a random fan hanging around you guys.”

on!” Hoseok whined, reaching across the table to poke your shoulder, “Come out
with us! I swear we’re normal people! We can all just go get pizza or something
else really Western!”

laughed at that one, “I do eat non-Western foods you know.” you reached across
the table and poked him back.

the owner walked up to your table, placing Namjoon and Hoseok’s drink in front
of them. She turned to you, “Y/N, go out with the handsome boys! You need a
good man in your life!”

could feel the heat rushing to your face, and you quickly looked down. Namjoon
and Hoseok both started laughing, both of them thinking how adorable it was
that that had made you blush. Namjoon poked you in the ribs, “Yeah Y/N, you
need a good man in your life!”

swatted back at him, but you knew you weren’t going to win this fight.

you all finished your coffee, you exchanged numbers with Namjoon and Hoseok,
and Namjoon made you promise you’d answer if either of them called or messaged
to make plans. You did promise. And then Hoseok made you pinky promise. Which
you did, though with lots of grumping on your end. Of course the grumping only
resulted in Hoseok ruffling your hair and telling you you’re just “Way too
adorable.” Hoseok was already starting to feel like you were his little sister.

that point the rain had cleared up and you convinced the boys that you did not
need a ride home because your apartment was only a few blocks away and you had
to stop at the store to get food for your cat anyways. And that was the end of
the second encounter.