reasons why seungkwan is a sweetheart


  • even if he’s part of the maknae line,
    you can see how much 17 members rely on him, always checking his
    reactions, and expect him to lead everything (and are usually lost if he’s not there)
  • if no one is saying anything during an
    interview, even if he’s not the MC he either leads the members or
    starts talking even if it’s nonsense to save the situation
  • he always tries his best to give good
    advices, and more than anything: always encourage people a lot
  • he’s able to get along with everyone,
    even new staff really quickly
  • he likes to make a lot of jokes, but
    he’s always careful of people’s reaction: if it looks like he
    said/did something that would make other unconfortable or hurt them
    he apoligizes right away and try to make them feel better by saying
    nice things about them or giving them a hug
  • he just gives tons of hug to people who
    are pouting even a bit, or just tons of hugs in general
  • he’s just extremely polite and
    respectful: like on One Fine Day, when they were given something to
    eat after picking bossam in Cheongsando, he was the first one to go
    to other workers to feed them
  • after Mingyu used one the bossam to
    stop a fire, he apologized right away with a 90° bow to workers who
    gave them bossam
  • he’s careful of everyone like he tries
    to make everyone shine, and he keeps telling fun story about the
    members who don’t talk much
  • he protects his members of any
    situation where they could be embarrassed: when people ask Jihoon’s
    height, when Jeonghan accidently spat on the floor (and he moved
    quickly to hide it with his foot), or when Hoshi was asked if he
    changed the choregraphy this week too but he couldn’t so Seungkwan
    immediately explained how he had so much work that it was impossible
    for him to do so
  • he’s careful of other members likes and
    dislikes, like when a member suggested to cook curry in a cooking
    program, he immediately said « no we have a member who doesn’t
    like curry » before Woozi even said that he disliked it
  • he’s extremely observant and can tell when seungcheol is lying, when woozi is embaressed and acting like he’s not, or really pretty much anything about the members
  • he’s interrested in foreign members’
    culture a lot, like  he kept saying to Minghao how he wanted to try
    chinese food, until Minghao had enough and took him and Jun  to a
    chinese restaurant
  • and he’s always talking in english, and
    even try to communicate with foreign fans by using it
  • he didn’t show much of his japanese
    yet, but it seems pretty good since he’s one the of member who says
    the longest sentence in japanese
  • he’s very affectionate with everyone
    really and even more to fans: he greets them with the biggest smile
    on his face, hands waving really high in the sky, and he  just looks so
    happy and excited
  • when he leaves he either greets the
    fans the same way, or looks really extremely sadden to leave
  • he always tries his hardest to
    communicate with fans, no matter if they are foreigners or not, he has no
    problem trying to use their language, and start asking them questions
    about where they are from even if the situation doesn’t really permit
    them to talk
  • so whenever he’s in a situation where
    he can’t really talk (like when he was doing Sukira for exemple) he writes on a notebook things he wants to ask to fans
    (« are you excited for the comeback? », or after asking
    to a foreigner where she’s from: « NY? » to make sure),
    saying thank you to fans « thank you for congratulating me for
    my graduation♡  », talking about his feelings « i’m
    going to sing later, i’m so nervous », « i missed you »
  • he’s also one of the member who
    communicate the most withs fans on SNS
  • because of Pledis’ rules he sometimes
    has to refuse things like taking a picture, or giving people his
    signature, and he was said to look extremely sorry and apparently kept apologizing
  • he always show the same respect to
    sunbae groups, no matter if they are a popular or an unpopular group,
    he’s admiring all of them and keeps talking about how much he liked
    one of their song or enjoyed things they did in the past, etc
  • he’s like some kind of Jeju ambassador:
    never letting anymore makes fun of it, even if playing along with
    other people’s jokes would make it easier for him to fit
  • he has his own insecurities like his
    weight or his dancing skills (he used to be considered one of the
    worst dancer) and how he’s the one being scold the most during
    recording usually, but he never blames anyone joking about his
    weight, or people scolding him when he wasn’t doing a perfect
    performance, or Woozi and Bumzu scolding him during recording. He
    just keeps working hard to diet, and improve in any area he’s not
    confident in
  • he makes sure the members don’t loose
    confidence in themselves, like when seokmin had to show a special
    talent on a show but reactions weren’t so good, he took his hand even
    if he was really far away from him to show support
  • he showers members with praises about
    anything related to their insecurities: like randomly talking about
    how happy he is that seungcheol is the leader, how much he likes
    mingyu’s skin color, or how fun joshua is and actually not a boring
    person at all…
  • when Jeonghan joined the group and was
    awkward with everyone, Seungkwan was the first one who tried getting
    close to him, by doing a lot of silly jokes, and it was never said
    but it looks like it took some time for Minghao to become close to
    the members, and Seungkwan also seems like one of the first who
    looked out for him
  • he loves babies and kids so much and if
    seungkwan is usually the most professional of the group in any given
    situation, kids are an exception for him: he just stops talking about
    what he was supposed to talk about and keeps playing with the kid and
    talk no-stop about how cute he/she is, or even almost forget about
    the « no photo of people without their consent », because
    they are so cute to him
  • he knows every members’ birthday
  • seungkwan always thought during his
    predebut days that he would be the least popular, and his biggest
    fear has always been not getting any attention at all, not being
  • he was said to be a soft-heart boy
    since predebut: he cried more than Chan when his father came, also
    cried the hardest when samuel’s mother read a letter written for
    seventeen’s members, was the only one who cried when he read his
    letter for his mother on parent’s day, cried when doing a video
    message to his mother on 17project and couldn’t stop crying after
    seeing her, cried at the boys wish concert, cried when seventeen won
    their first rookie award, and got extremely emotional on his last day
    at Sukira with Ryeowook and the rest of the S-line, and on the One
    Fine Day when the 3 leaders read their letters
  • he also cares a lot about member’s
    feelings, like he was afraid for seokmin’s feeling when no judge
    talked about his singing in 17project (while seungkwan was praised),
    or when vernon said he felt sorry to seventeen about SMTM, he said
    later in an interview « He was talking about how he was sorry.
    What’s there to be sorry about~ right? » ©
  • he loves his mom so much and keeps
    talking about her no matter what; he even almost gave up on being an
    idol because he didn’t want to leave his mom in jeju while he was in
  • he gets anxious really easily, and
    sometimes he’s tired but since he’s the moodmaker and has pride on
    this title, he doesn’t want to let other people seeing his tired-side
    and try to gives energy to people as much as he can no matter what
  • i have so many things to say but i’ll
    stop there, so just remember that seungkwan is a sweetheart and that
    he deserves all the love


meet seventeen: boo seungkwan.
born jan 16th, 1998 in jeju, south korea.
vocal unit member, main vocal.
sassy diva boo, variety prodigy, called ‘boonon’ (boo + vernon) when he raps.
1/3 of the golden trio, he loves his mom more than anything, mc boo.

cred. (x) (x)