KTH fanfic

Chapter 1

     Ella, or
Ayeong (you could refer to her as either, she was used to responding to a vast
array of different names at this point in her life) had moved to South Korea
from the United States of America when she was five years old (or six if you go
by the Korean aging system, which Ella did not). 

Her father, a very proud
Korean man, wanted to move his family, which consisted of Ella, her mother
Wendy, and himself, back to Korea so Ella could be raised around his family.
Ella didn’t object to the move at the time, in her young mind it was just a big
adventure across the ocean, not to mention her parents promised she could get a
pet once they moved (she chose to get a fluffy black and white cat which she
named Nuna as she always wanted an older sister, and in the words of five year
old Ella, “She’s two colors, just like me!”) And so, they packed up their
belongings and hopped on a plane across the ocean.

father Jihun, was from the Buk district in Daegu, so they decided it was the
best place to raise Ella. Though she can’t remember much of the move, Ella can
still recall the culture shock she encountered once they reached Korea. Ella
found herself having trouble adapting to the Korean lifestyle. Fortunately
their new neighbours, the Min family, were quite willing to help out. The Min
family had a son four years Ella’s senior, named Yoongi. Though Ella and Yoongi
had no desire to be friends, their parents soon became close and forced their
children to spend time together.

was appalled that his parents were making him watch the “American brat”, as he
liked to call her. Ella was no happier, and took to speaking to Yoongi in
English to annoy him. Their parents were constantly having to break up fights
between the two which usually went along the lines of:

“Mom! Yoongi punched me

“I did not! She’s such a
baby, I barely touched her! She was speaking English again.”

“Ayeong we told you not to
speak English around Yoongi, it’s disrespectful when he doesn’t understand

“It’s not my fault he’s too
stupid to-HEY! He punched me again!”

This went on for years, but
as Ella and Yoongi both matured, they slowly started to grow closer. The
fighting receded into friendly teasing and bickering, much to their parent’s
relief. Though Yoongi would never admit it, he secretly enjoyed the times when
his parents would force him to be with Ella. When Ella wasn’t purposefully
annoying him, he found her to be a relaxing presence in his hectic life. Ella
always came up with exciting new things for them to do, and she seemed to have
a radar for detecting when Yoongi needed to let loose. Yoongi had always been a
hardworking person, and while Ella was as well, she was better at knowing when
to take a step back and relax. Their parents always joked that the two were
individually the perfect combination of ying and yang, causing them to always
be fluctuating between harmony and conflict.

When Yoongi went off to
Seoul to train with Bighit Entertainment, the one person he kept in contact
with the most, other than his family, was Ella. Their constant squabbling never
disappeared, but they came to identify each other as one of their dearest
friends. Ella was Yoongi’s biggest fan once he debuted with BTS, and not many weeks
went by when the two didn’t speak to each other.


March, 2016

**      **“Ayeong! Lee Ayeong get your butt out of bed!”

could faintly hear a voice yelling at her and the sound of an alarm going off,
but she couldn’t tell if it was part of her dream or not.

you lazy child!” came the voice again, this time followed by something smacking
against the side of Ella’s head. Alright, so it wasn’t a dream.

yawned and slowly opened her eyes, groaning when the sunlight hit her. “Close
the window.” she grumbled and rolled back over. The owner of the voice ripped
the blankets off Ella, mumbling under their breath as they finally left the
room. Ella looked over to the clock on her bed stand. Nearly eleven thirty. Had
she really slept in that late? Then again, she’d been sleeping in that late
nearly every day recently.

     She took
her sweet time getting out of bed and dragging herself into the shower. When
she finally emerged in the kitchen, hair dripping wet and a house robe on, she
found her mother sitting at the kitchen table reading. Her mother looked up
from her book, “Oh look at that, the bear has emerged from her cave. Did you
sleep well while the rest of the world is out making something of their lives?”

stuck her tongue out playfully and poured herself an excessively large cup of
coffee. “What am I supposed to do with myself? I’m finished school now!” Ella
exclaimed, hopping up onto the kitchen counter.

mother made a gesture for Ella to get off the counter without even glancing up
from her book again. “Get a job! You’ll need money to get a degree. You know
your father and I can’t afford university.”

     ‘Ah, the
university talk again.’ Thought Ella, grumbling to herself. “You know I don’t
know what I want to get a degree in yet! Why would I waste my time working
towards something if I don’t even know what that something is?” Ella had tried
explaining this to her parents what felt like a million times. All her friends
already had their lives planned out and were on their way to university, and
she knew her parents saw this and were disappointed that Ella was the only one
staying behind. Ella hated letting her family down, but she just couldn’t see
the logic in wasting so much money on a degree that meant nothing to her. And
she had tried to get a job, but luck was not on her side apparently.

mother Wendy just shook her head, “I don’t know what to tell you Ella,” Wendy
was one of the few people who called Ella by her English name, “but I know your
father is going to lose his mind if you don’t figure out something soon. He
only wants what’s best for you. He can’t bear seeing you waste all that
potential you have bottled up inside.” Wendy got up and patted her daughter’s
cheek. “We both know you could do so much with your life, that’s all.” She
smiled softly and left the kitchen, leaving Ella standing alone with her
untouched coffee.


that same day, Ella had been outside helping her mother with the yard work when
her cell phone started ringing. She pulled it out of the back pocket of her
overalls and looked at the screen, “It’s Yoon!” she screeched excitedly,
picking up immediately.

She yelled into the phone, hurrying into the house and going to sit in her
bedroom. “Is it Wednesday already?” For Yoongi always called her on Wednesdays
when he was having a meal break during practice.

     “Yes A,
it’s Wednesday. Would I be calling you if it wasn’t Wednesday? You need to keep
better track of time!” Yoongi nagged, but Ella could tell he was smiling.

     “How are
you? How are the boys? Is practice going well? Are you taking care of your
health?” Ella fired questions, not giving Yoongi time to answer in between.

I’m the same as I was last week. The rest of the group is fine and practice is
fine. How are you and your family doing? How are my parents?”

family is doing fine, I think they’re coming over for supper tomorrow night.”
Ella replied. She always gave him updates on how his family was doing. Yoongi
was always worrying about them, and Ella knew he felt guilty about not being
able to see them often. “And my family is fine. My parents keep nagging me
about finding a job again though. They think I’m wasting my life away.”

     There was
a pause for a moment, Ella checked her phone to see if the call had ended
accidentally. “Yoon? Did you die?”

laughed, “No, unfortunately for you I’m still alive. I was just thinking.”

     “Oh man,
that’s never good. Don’t strain yourself.”

Yoongi started, and Ella could sense his hesitation. “What if… what if I could
find you a job here? Like her in Seoul?”

     Ella gave
her phone an incredulous look as if Yoongi could see her through the phone.
“Hold that thought. I’m going to skype you so you can see the face I’m giving
you right now.”

quickly went to her Skype app and requested a video chat with Yoongi. He
answered almost immediately and Ella made the same incredulous look. “Did you
see this face? This is the face.”

scowled, “Don’t scrunch up your face like that, you’ll never find a boyfriend
if you keep making yourself look like a troll.” He brushed his hair out of his
face. “I’m being serious! What if I could find you a job here in Seoul? Our
stylist is looking for an assistant. I’m sure I could suggest you for the job.”

scoffed, “Assisting a stylist? Yoongi, how am I qualified for that? And working
in Seoul? Do you really think my parents would be alright with me heading off
to Seoul by myself to work as a stylist’s assistant?”

qualifications would you need for that? You’d just be helping her out with little
jobs here and there, nothing major. And your parents would be fine with it
because I’d be around most of the time. Come on, at least let me try to get you
the job A.” Yoongi begged.

whatever you like Yoon. You can try, but it’s never going to happen. I don’t
know who would hire someone who just graduated and has no goal for the future.”

just smirked, a sly, mischievous smirk. The one he always gave Ella when he was
about to mess with her. “Just you watch. I have to go now. Bye A.”

started to interject but he had hung up before she could get out another word.
“That boy.” She muttered to herself. “Why is he trying to help me out? He makes
no sense.” She shook her head and went back to helping her mother with
household chores.


Two days later

**      **It was just after noon and Ella and her mother had
gone out shopping and then for coffee. They were sitting in Ella’s favorite
coffee shop when her phone rang. Her mother smiled at her, “Oh, who could that

     Ella gave
her mom a look. She had been acting weird all day and Ella couldn’t figure out
why. She checked the caller id and raised an eyebrow, “It’s Yoon. Why is he
calling me? It’s a Friday.”

Ella answered, “What’s up? It’s not Wednesday.”

     “Are you
sitting down?” He replied excitedly.

     “Um, yes?
Why is everyone acting weird today? What’s going on?”

     “I got
you the job!” Yoongi yelled into the phone, nearly causing Ella to drop it.

stared at the phone, then at her mother who was smiling like the Joker, then
back at her phone. “You what? You got me the job? Do you mean the job with the
stylist?” Ella didn’t believe him. He had to be messing with her.

     “Yes yes
yes! You got the job! The stylist and I get along well and she said she’d love
to work with one of my closest friends!” Yoongi exclaimed, he was practically
screaming he was so excited.

looked at her mother, “Did you know about this?” She stammered, barely
believing her ears.

mother nodded, “Yes, Yoongi called us early this morning and explained the
situation to your father and I. We think it’s a great opportunity! You’ll gain
so much responsibility from going to work in Seoul. And you’ll have to Yoongi
to take care of you.”

     Ella let
out a short laugh, “Did you hear that Yoon? Looks like you’re stuck babysitting
the American brat once again.”

laughed, “I think I can handle that. Ah, I’m so excited that you’ll be here A!
It’ll be just like the old times. Yoon and Ayeong back together again!”

couldn’t help but smile, it took a lot for Yoongi to get this excited. It
didn’t happen often, he was very good at controlling his emotions.

send you all the details tonight, but the stylist wants you to be here as soon
as possible so she can start getting you familiar with the job. I have to go
now though, I’ll talk to you soon okay? Bye A.” And with that Yoongi ended the

     Ella hung
up and set her phone down, her mouth hanging open. She could barely speak, “This,
is insane.” She stammered.

mother laughed, “This will be so exciting! Come on, let’s get home! We’ll have
to start packing up your things!”

mind was racing. She was going to move to Seoul, and work as an assistant to
the stylist of one of Korea’s biggest boy groups. Not only that, but she was
going to get to work beside her best friend.